The Fox Den
This corner of The Fox Den is devoted to the aquatic friends I've had over the years.

Salt Water:
I started this tank when I was living in the dorm during college. It is 50 gallons with a 10 gallon sump. Before the move, the tank contained the tang, anthias, clown, damsel, and one of the gobies. All the rest are acquisitions after the move. All the components of the tank are D.I.Y. and its been running for over a year.


Name Common Name Scientific Name Origional Size Current Size
Sanders Yellow Tang Zebrasoma flavescens 3 Inches 6 Inches
Touchstone Ocellaris Clownfish Amphiprion ocellaris 1.5 Inches 2 Inches
Bara Stocky Anthias Pseudanthias hypselosoma 3 Inches 4 Inches
Unnamed Yellowtail Damselfish Chrysiptera parasema 2 Inches 2 Inches
Unnamed Neon Blue Goby Gobiosoma oceanops 2 Inches 2 Inches
Unnamed Neon Blue Goby Gobiosoma oceanops 1.5 Inches 1.75 Inches
Unnamed Pajama Cardinalfish Sphaeramia nematoptera 2 Inches 2 Inches
Unnamed Sunrise Dottyback Pseudochromis flavivertex 2 Inches 2 Inches
Robin Bicolor Blenny Ecsenius bicolor 3 Inches 3 Inches
Unnamed Spiny Brittle Star Ophiothrix spiculata 11 Inches 12 Inches
Tantor Florida Fighting Conch Strombus alatus 1 Inch 2 Inches
Unnamed Condy Anemone Condylactis gigantea 3 Inches 3 Inches
Unnamed Flower Anemone Epicystis crucifer 2 Inches 2 Inches
Unnamed Red Crab Uca sp. 1 Inch 1 Inch
Unnamed Astraea Snail Astrea tecta 1 Inch 1 Inch

Fresh Water:
During my college dorm life, I had a fresh water tank. It was 20 gallons with a hang on box filter and an under gravel filter. When I moved out, I had to donate the fish since I could not take them with me. They are probably all still alive and well in their new home. They are missed.


Name Common Name Scientific Name Origional Size Current Size
Spot Tiger Oscar Astronotus ocellatus 2 Inches 6 Inches
Pearl Albino Oscar Astronotus ocellatus 1 Inch 4 Inches
Unnamed Common Plecostomus Hypostomus punctatus 2 Inches 3 Inches
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